Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Matty will provide more detail, but two pics worth sharing:

Matty has PERFECTED the sandwich (sorry, Earl of, you've met your match). "Matty Cristo": Chix, prosciutto, grilled onion, rosemary, amazing cheese, egg battered toast

Another uniquely fabulous Lux event -- a dinner of fine cheeses and wine at Manny's house (her company helped move us). Just check out these cheese -- our host gave an explanation of every cheese (~20) and we gorged on truly beautiful fromage!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Quick pics on recent feasts:

Fish tacos (all about the cast iron skillet and the latest find panko -- Japanese breadcrumbs. also, found organic tortillas which we both agree actually taste better)

Rabbit (tastes like chicken -- wonderfully braised and served with the famous mashers and latest thing to master, cabbage, which is so much more than just for slaw!)

Rudy (as Grams would say, "he's edible")

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gemuse/Legumes/Veggies Galore

I am the luckiest wife in the world for many reasons -- one of which is that clearly food is the way to my heart (and big, growing tummy). Matty makes terrific dishes as blogged about, but I don't think enough attention goes to his fantastic veggie dishes that he does to make me happy (although I think he's learning to love too. The past week has been veggie week -- I'll elaborate:

Friday night, Raclette experience at our neighbors Isabelle, Francois, Charlotte and Arno (who just turned 3). Our first encounter with Raclette and what a treat and learning experience. First, anything that's focused around melted cheese is bound to be good. Second, we did it with true experts who have an old school 1970s machine which just proves new/modern isn't necessarily better. We learned how you build your cheese concoction - cheese starts heating first, then throw on very thinly sliced onions, then very thinly sliced meat like prosciutto, then a "teeny tiny eggie" which we think are quails eggs. You scrape over boiled new potatoes and/or tomatos and enjoy while you start cooking another one (me = 3, Matty = lost count at 5). My big "ah ha" was that Raclette is different than Fondue. Wish we had a pic (new camera en route).

Saturday night was Matty executing at his best. I promised to cook but then when we didn't have the key ingredient in my meal (I stopped there), Matty says "let's see what I can throw together" which was basically grilling in olive oil all the veggies in the house. We came across in our organic market, Naturata some unidentified "balls" we thought looked like falaffel, but are actually what we now know to be Gemuse Balls or as our German dictionary tells us Veggie Balls!

Sunday night was Matty at his most creative. Zucchini boats filled with m celery root. Choy sum leaves wrapped over a sausage, mashed potato, chopped up cabbage stalk, onions, garlic dumpling dealio. MANIFIQUE.

Monday night Matty whipped up his now classic and constantly improving Eggplant Parmesan (this week best tomato sauce yet and mozzarella melted on top of the eggplant).

So the pictures we do have this week are the ones of Rudy liking the batter of Mommy's healthy cookies (so healthy in fact that he doesn't actually eat them baked!)

Oh, and I can't believe this is coming as "by the way" or "in other news" but on Friday we found out we're having a girl!!! We're extremely excited. So, Matty wouldn't let me post this on FB, but I think posting here is ok .. .. I couldn't really read his reaction at the doc office (I mean, the kid is used to boys!), but once he processed, he sent his family his thoughts:
As long as the kid is healthy, I'm good with it. Won't lie, though, it's a strange feeling, but one I'm really very excited about. It's what God wanted for us; can't really argue with that.
How sweet is that?