Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Another leg of lamb

Did another leg of lamb while Misty was here. I love this dish almost as much as I love my family. I also like the fact that it gives me an excuse to cook a massive amount of meat at one time and have leftovers for days. The gift that keeps on giving.

Just after searing and the sauteeing of the veggies and right before
putting it in the oven for 2.5 hours.

After 2.5 hours and the haricot gigantes have been added.

On the plate.


  1. Interested in your haricot gigantes. Fresh, frozen or dried?

  2. You might have to recreate this whenever I come out hoping for Feb/March. But don't get excited yet.

    Just caught up on all the posts up to Hamburg. Amazing as usual. That gluvine sounds mmmm

  3. Robbie, beans were none of the above. They are actually jarred, but still taste quite good.
